Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Peculiar Panacea 2

Hello there!
Trust you are doing great.
So today, I am going to be unveiling the category of people who require a whole lot of attention in the society.

As a result of the various issues confronting the society today, especially in the aspect of moral decadence, several individuals and organizations both governmental and non governmental have stood up to reform the society in ways they can.

It is observed that a larger number of these social reformers pay more attention to aspects like social/political injustice, marital issues, entertainment among other areas and fortunately, there lots of religious propagators and teachers. 
However, a larger percentage of challenges experienced in the society today is as a result of the orientation and idealogy the adults of today had picked up as teenagers. 

 Teenage stage is the intermediary stage between childhood and adulthood and so the most delicate stage in human development. During childhood we are often taught and guided on what to do and not to do, but as teenagers we begin to develop a sense of self independence and therefore you to  make and take  decisions on our own, which implies that the attitudes we exhibit as adults were picked up at that stage.

All these points to the fact that teenagers are meant to be paid more attention.
Parents and adults generally require a delibrate and conscious effort in training teenagers. We need to pay attention to and not neglect their physical growth, spiritual knowledge, educational development, psychological balance and  emotional stability.


  1. Nice one Sis.
    Very critical issue for all of us to address if we a really deasire a better world.
    Keep it up. ��

  2. Well said. I think Parents/guardians and teachers need to wake up to their responsibilities. This particular age bracket needs serious attention.

  3. We need to catch them young.

    A didactic piece.

